About CompareNI.com
CompareNI.com is not a broker or an insurance company, and unlike many other comparison sites CompareNI.com is not owned by and does not have investment from an Insurance Broker or Insurance Company.
We are totally independent, unbiased, and self-funded comparison site set up to help Northern Ireland Residents save money on various financial products.
CompareNI.com is owned and operated by Seopa Ltd, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for Insurance Mediation, Registration #313860.
Seopa Ltd is a data controller under the Data Protection Act 1998, and is listed on the data protection register, Registration #Z8733752.
Trading styles and ownership:
CompareNI.com is a trading style of Seopa Limited which has similar ownership connections to Apricot Insurance Services Limited.
This has no impact on how CompareNI is operated or controlled as the companies are completely separate businesses.
Since the success of CompareNI is based on impartial comparison for our consumers, we do not favour the Apricot brand on any of our services – we list comparison results based on factors such as price and policy features.
Seopa Limited also trades as Quotezone.co.uk