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Northern Ireland Public Liability Insurance Comparison
Finding public liability insurance in Northern Ireland can sometimes be a painstaking business. At CompareNI.com we provide a simple solution to help search for cheap Northern Ireland public liability insurance companies.
Whether you are a sole trader, self employed, and small business or a large business you have come to the right place. We can contact public liability insurers on your behalf to help you make the comparison – we only work with providers who are authorised and regulated by the .
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Here is just a sample of the types of public liability insurance we may be able to help you find: Artists, bands, beauty therapists, builders, caterers, catering, charities, childminders, cleaners, clubs, construction, contractors, dance teachers, electricians, employers, entertainers, fitness instructors, hairdressers, landlords, market stall, motor trade, musicians, nannies, personal trainers, photographers, plumbers, roofers, stallholders, tradesmen, weddings, window cleaners, and more!
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Public Liability Insurance
Anyone running a business may wish to give serious consideration to buying public liability insurance. Northern Ireland-based businesses, as well as others across the UK, may benefit from having this form of insurance in place. If a client or customer was injured or suffered some kind of loss in relation to that business, the person operating the business might be covered for costs if they have this insurance.
Is it a legal requirement to have public liability cover?
Its not, but it could be that neglecting to get this kind of policy could pose a risk if a customer or client ends up injured or suffers a loss while on the business premises. This may also apply if the business owner causes loss or damage involving another person while the owner is out of the office on business.
With that said, though, there are some instances where self-employed consultants and workers might be required to have this kind of insurance in place before they are allowed to work on behalf of a particular company. This may happen in order to protect the hiring company from any potential litigation that may arise at some point.
Since costs associated with a legal claim could be significant, it may make good sense to find public liability insurance NI that could be used if the worst was to happen.
What does the policy cover?
The policy may cover the business owner and anyone who works for them. It may provide coverage against damage to a person’s property, perhaps while working there, or if they are injured while visiting the owners business premises. It may also provide cover that could kick in if any employee of that business caused any damage of a similar nature, or did something that led to a customer or client being injured.
If a third party made a claim against a business resulting from an injury or loss suffered, it could potentially put the business in a fragile position. The owner may face legal proceedings that could be costly, both to them and their business. By having a public liability policy in place, they could benefit from the peace-of-mind that comes with having proper legal cover.
In this instance, the cover may ensure the owner does not have to meet legal costs or compensation costs themselves. Instead, the insurance policy might pay out in the event that the claim is successful. Without this form of insurance, the business could be in danger of going under, such are the potential costs involved in such a situation.
Should small businesses and home-run businesses consider this form of insurance?
The key aspect any business owner might wish to remember is in whether there is any contact between them and their customers. If they only interact with employees, and no one visits them at their offices or premises, then liability cover to protect employees may be preferable to public liability insurance.
However, even if someone is self-employed and they work at home, it may still be a good idea to get this cover in some situations. This holds true if that individual often goes out to meet with clients. In these situations, there is the potential to cause an accident that may cause financial loss or injury to that client.
How much cover is required?
This may depend on the type of business a person runs. The needs of a one-person business may well be very different from those of a multimillion-pound business employing hundreds of people. As such, it is very important for any individual to compare policies and to shop around to find cheap public liability insurance that could still deliver everything that is required.
When someone is looking to compare public liability insurance, they may well be asked what sort of business they have. Some businesses could have a greater chance than others of attracting such claims, which means there may be a need to provide a greater amount of cover. For example, one business may need cover amounting to £1 million, whereas another might benefit from having £5 million of cover in place. Typically speaking, £1 million could be the lowest level of cover provided. Higher limits may attract a higher premium, but they may of course also attract greater confidence for the person who purchases the policy.
Can public liability insurance be purchased along with other forms of business insurance?
This could very often be the case. Each business is likely to have its own specific needs. As such, it could be that one business may benefit from two or three forms of insurance, whereas another perhaps one without employees, for example might need less.
Searching the market for a public liability insurance cheap comparison
Many people may be tempted to go online when looking for insurance of this kind. While there are many insurers out there today, not all of them deal in business insurance. Therefore, it could be a smart idea for any business owner to search the market for companies that may provide expert advice and support when they require this type of business insurance.
Some specialise in this insurance, and when that is the case, they may potentially have access to more comprehensive and cheaper quotes. By shopping around, it could be easier to find a policy that may not only be cheaper, but could also be more detailed and ideal for the particular business to be covered.