
Jewellery and Watch Insurance Northern Ireland

Jewellery and Watch Insurance Directory

💍 ITEMS COVERED: Jewellery, rings & watches
💷 VALUE COVERED: Maximum £30k per item
🖺 COVER: Accidental damage, Accidental loss & theft

Underwritten by Aviva.
Rated excellent on Trustpilot. 10% multi-item discount.

🔥🔥🔥 - Save up to 20% on all new policies!

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💍 ITEMS COVERED: Jewellery, watches, collections & art
💷 VALUE COVERED: No maximum limit (subject to underwriting)
🖺 COVER: Accidental damage, Accidental loss & theft

Providing high quality tailored products and services.
Jewellery cover with UK, European, and Worldwide options.

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💍 ITEMS COVERED: Engagement rings, wedding bands, eternity rings, necklaces, bracelets & watches
💷 VALUE COVERED: maximum £35k per item
🖺 COVER: Accidental damage, Accidental loss & theft

Assetsure are a specialist jewellery insurance provider.
“All Risks” insurance for your most precious items of jewellery.

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Life Ring

Jewellery & Watch Insurance Guide

When it comes to possessing anything that is valuable it could be likely that the owner may want to protect it from harm. Jewellery may be no exception as people wish to treasure things like family heirlooms or items of high value as well as sentimental value. Having high value jewellery isn’t just something from the rich and famous, many people in Northern Ireland could have wedding or engagement rings that have a high value or people might collect or own antique jewellery that has special meaning as well as being difficult to replace. As a result people may look to insure their jewellery so that they could recover some costs or perhaps get replacements in the event it may be lost, stolen or damaged.

Getting jewellery insurance in place

Having NI contents insurance for items in the home could be one way that people decide to protect their precious jewellery. However, when it comes to expensive items it could be wise to investigate other options such as specific jewellery insurance. Content insurance could mean being restricted to a single item limit which may mean any claim is capped resulting in a loss of value. Having the right contents value on items in your home could be key to recovering losses suffered in the event of everything being destroyed but if an item of significant value is lost or stolen then being mindful that the full value could be claimed for might be important.

Single item clauses

Having a single item of significant value could mean being restricted to that as part of policy terms and conditions. Getting the value of overall contents could be essential but also failing to mention that someone has items over the single limit value could risk not being paid out enough to cover the full loss.

There could be ways around it though and this guide could explain the best way to ensure that all jewellery items have the appropriate cover in place.

Engagement ring insurance

Many people in Northern Ireland might have an expensive engagement ring as part of their jewellery collection. For the most part too many might choose to wear their engagement ring all the time which could increase the risk of loss or damage. Many engagement rings might exceed the typical single item limit on a home contents policy and so looking for specialist wedding ring insurance cover may be a requirement. The same could be true of any wedding jewellery or other kind of one off unique adornment.

Having a single item like wedding bands or engagement rings on home insurance policies may not be a viable option which is where engagement ring insurance or diamond ring insurance could play a part. This could be due to the value of the item being too high that any claim may not cover the loss involved if anything untoward were to happen. Having specialist wedding jewellery insurance could mean that such irreplaceable jewellery is protected if the worst occurred.

Accidental damage

As jewellery could be considered very detailed and intricate it could also be easy to lose or break. This alone could be a valid reason to get added protection to an expensive item of jewellery. Accidental damage or loss for jewellery could be relatively easy. For example a stone could come loose or fall out of a setting or a ring may drop down a sink or be left behind after it is removed. These scenarios could easily happen to anyone regardless of how careful they might be with their jewellery and so to protect precious stones or heirlooms then taking out a separate jewellery insurance policy could be the most sensible option.

Finding jewellery insurance cover

Like many other kinds of insurance it could be possible to search online for jewellery insurance and then tailor a policy to specific needs. This could mean that depending on the overall value of a jewellery collection as well as the highest value of any one item finding a policy online could be easier to compare. By entering certain values then comparing jewellery insurance policies could be quickly and easily done. Entering in a search for ring insurance or cheap jewellery insurance could put someone on the path of finding suitable jewellery insurance companies. Unlike most other types of insurance this kind of cover may require a specialist company to help which is why using a particular search could be necessary.

Finding single item jewellery insurance might also be done in the same way by exploring the different policy options available. This could be the most affordable way of being sure that a precious item could be covered both in and out of the home.

Checking jewellery insurance policy details

Before committing to a particular policy it could be worth checking the small print to determine whether or not it is the best jewellery insurance cover for the circumstances. In some situations in the event of a claim then a voucher may be offered rather than cash to cover a replacement item. This may not suit some people, especially if the item that has been lost or stolen is a one off piece or antique.

Whilst for many the loss of jewellery in any scenario could be very upsetting it is probably worthwhile that the policyholder of any potential Northern Ireland jewellery insurance cover offers the next best thing in terms of any claim being settled.

Jewellery Insurance

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