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Landlords Tenants Insurance Northern Ireland

Landlord Tenants Insurance is usually a product designed to offer protection against damage to a rented property or its contents that is inflicted by a tenant, either deliberately or accidentally. Ideally tenants would take out their own insurance to cover the possibility of damage created by their actions whilst renting a property but it is possible for the landlord to cover all eventualities and take out landlord tenants insurance if they are renting properties within the British Isles.

It is possible to purchase landlord tenants insurance in Northern Ireland and anyone seeking a quote for landlord tenants insurance could compare policies by creating a simple online search. It is not a legal requirement when renting out a property and nor is it a legal requirement for tenants to have insurance but it could be wise given the more uncertain nature of the landlord / tenant relationship and the potential for damage to be caused to goods and properties.

It may also be possible to incorporate into any landlord tenants insurance some protection against tenant default so rental income streams can continue for the landlord in the event of any default.

With the possibility of flexible payment terms and specific policy references to cover many different eventualities, it may be possible for landlords to achieve peace of mind by obtaining appropriate levels cover to protect their business investments. Whilst cover may not be a legal requirement it is a relatively small cost to protect against risks associated with owning a rental property.