Debt Consolidation Northern Ireland
Debt Consolidation directory does not provide any financial services in connection with debt consolidation. We appreciate some web site visitors may be interested in debt consolidation, so on this page we merely display external advertisements relating to debt consolidation. The order of listings does not represent any advice, recommendation or comparison by CompareNI. By clicking on any of the below, you will be brought to a third party website which has no affiliation with We purely display these adverts and do not check or validate their content. Where any of the activities we do on this page could be considered as credit broking then please note that we only act as credit broker in displaying promotions provided by others and we do not act as a lender. We provide this service on a commercial basis receiving some money from those who advertise but we provide these listings free of charge to you. Please remember when speaking to any debt help company to ask them about any charges they may make and at what point those charges start to be incurred.
Debt solutions should not be entered into lightly as they will affect your credit rating. Failure to keep up with repayments under an Individual Voluntary Arrangement or Protected Trust Deed can result in bankruptcy or legal action. Different debt solutions have different risks attached to them. Some debt solutions are only available in certain countries within the United Kingdom. Individual Voluntary Arrangement, Debt Resolution Orders and Protected Trust Deeds will result in your name being entered on to a public register. Most debt solutions only apply to certain debts.
Compare debt consolidation loans from 45 providers – MoneySuperMarket
Use our new loan calculator to estimate the cost of your loan with ease. Based on MoneySuperMarket data from January 2025, the average APR for debt consolidation loans between £7,500 and £14,999 is 13.8%, with a five-year term being the most common choice. Relief Orders Guide – MoneySuperMarket
Debt relief orders are not available to everybody and the qualifying criteria are strict. You must be unable to pay your debts and the debts must total £15,000 or less. You must also have £50 a month or less left over after normal household expenses such as food. is a debt management plan (DMP)? – MoneySuperMarket
Debt consolidation loans – these loans put together existing debt into one consolidated lump, which you then pay monthly. This can lessen interest and make budgeting easier. Credit card consolidation – like debt consolidation, this sees all credit card debt come under one card. Some deals offer 0% for a set period, so you can make repayments … for bad credit | MoneySuperMarket
Earn £20 when you're approved for a loan [1] Selected providers. SuperSaveClub restrictions and T&Cs apply. Click here for details. Earn up to £130 in rewards every year with SuperSaveClub [2] Up to £130 if every qualifying product purchased once. T&Cs apply. I Consolidate Debt With A Credit Card? – MoneySuperMarket
Debt consolidation involves combining multiple debts into one place, typically by taking out a new credit card or loan to pay off existing debts . Look for a credit card with an interest rate lower than you’re paying on existing debts . Set Top Boxes Can Record Live TV? | MoneySuperMarket
What are the key features of Sky set-top boxes? One of the top TV providers in the UK, Sky offers three set-top boxes that let you record, pause and rewind live TV: Sky Q 1TB. With 1TB of storage space, the Sky Q 1TB lets you store up to 500 hours of standard definition TV. From A Family Member Or Friend | MoneySuperMarket
Key takeaways . You may be able to secure a loan at a much lower interest rate or even zero interest by borrowing from friends or family . Even for small amounts, create a written loan agreement signed by both parties. Trust is crucial on both sides and both borrower and lender need to be comfortable with the arrangement to stay out of debt this Christmas | MoneySuperMarket
10. Don’t leave debt on a purchase card for too long. If you have no choice but to pay for Christmas using credit, be sure to pick a purchase credit card with a long interest-free introductory offering. But remember the debt does need to be paid off. to do if you’re struggling to afford your loan repayments
A debt consolidation loan allows you to combine your existing debts into one pot. You calculate your total debts, take out a new loan and use this to pay them off. The advantage of a consolidation loan is that it can make monthly repayments more affordable (often with a lower interest rate and a longer loan term) and more straightforward as you … £20000 loans | MoneySuperMarket
If you’ve had debt problems in the past and you have a low credit score, it’s likely to be more difficult to get a £20,000 loan. But you may be able to: Borrow a smaller loan amount. Use specialist lenders who can offer bad credit loan deals. Expect to be offered higher interest rates if you have got a less than perfect credit history.